Behavior is the most honest expression of who you are. It is a reflection of your thoughts, your beliefs, and your values. Your behavior tells you what is truly important to you. It is a powerful tool, and it never lies. In terms of being healthy and vital, losing weight, or getting fit, your behavior is a reflection of your priorities. How does this tie in with self love and living your best life in your best body? When you get the inside right, the outside will follow. Self love is the key to getting the inside right. Taking the time to exercise, meditate, eat healthy foods, spending time in nature, doing things you love, and being with the people you love are all forms of self love. Love is the opposite of fear, judgment, worry, pain, anxiety, and regret. The term “love heals all” has a lot of truth in it. Feelings of love to yourself, what you are doing, and who you are doing them with releases chemicals and hormones that counteract Cortisol, your stress hormone. Cortisol causes a number of things to occur such as increasing your blood pressure, your blood sugar, your blood cholesterol, your blood calcium and decreases your immune function and short term memory. All of these are your body’s perfect response to stress as they will help to move you quickly away from the stressor. But when stress is ongoing from your job, your relationships, your negative self-image, etc., you move away from the healthy, fit and vibrant version of YOURSELF. Buddha said “What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.” This article is about getting the inside right, loving yourself and how that will lead to the behavior you want to transform your body and your life from the inside-out.
GRATITUDE: Beginning and ending your day with gratitude will release chemicals and hormones associated with healing, vitality and energy. When you start and end your day expressing gratitude and love for yourself, your body, your life, your family, this day, a cascade of reactions are unleashed that shut down the “negative” effects of stress.
MOVE YOUR BODY: When you get up, do some form of movement or exercise. This is a form of self-love and it ignites your metabolism for the day. Also, if your behavior has been to procrastinate your exercise routine, getting it done first will give you a sense of accomplishment and release more of those happy chemicals and hormones.
EAT CLEAN: Shop for and commit to making healthy choices 6 of the 7 days in the week. Shop the perimeter of your grocery store for fresh, and fresh-frozen organic veggies, fruits, meats and poultry. Eating a clean, healthy diet is a form of love to yourself and your family. Enjoying your meals even when they are not the healthiest will remove stress, self-judgment and resentment.
CELEBRATE: Daily celebration of your “wins” and accomplishments creates the neurocognitive behavioral templates in your brain (neural connections and patterns in your brain that tell your body to release the chemicals and hormones for healing, vitality and energy) to shift your behavior consistently.
BREATHE: Take a deep breathing time out anytime you feel stressed, anxious, worried, judgemental, self-conscious, resentful or fearful. A few deep breaths is all it takes to shut down the chemicals and hormones of stress and release those associated with love, healing, vitality and energy.
Self-love is not a one-time event. It is a journey that requires daily practice and commitment. It involves accepting yourself as you are, flaws and all, treating yourself with kindness, compassion, respect, and most of all LOVE. Use these strategies to be more loving to yourself. Be aware of your behavior as it is a guide to what your priorities are, and something you can change in any moment. Self love will transform you, and your life from the inside-out. There are no failures, only steps to move you towards the person you want to be and the life you desire. Remember, it is never too late to make a Shift in Health.
Dr. Wendy Henrichs of Timber Land Chiropractic provides comprehensive chiropractic care among other services including pregnancy, newborn and pediatric care, post-concussion and sports performance, FX 635/405 Cold Laser, Zerona fat loss laser, nutrition counseling and wellness services. Dr. Wendy Henrichs is a board-certified Chiropractic Pediatrician and Nutrition Counselor. Timber Land Chiropractic is located at 1 E. Courtney Street in Rhinelander. For more information, call 715-362-4852 or visit Instagram @drwendyhenrichs, LinkedIn, and Facebook